The ECU Community School is a North Carolina public school and as such, adheres to state and federal policy and legislation related to the operation of a public school. In addition, the ECU Community School is an East Carolina University entity and follows the pol and protocols associated with the university.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Act
- McKinney-Vento Act School Homeless Liaison: Dr. Laura Bilbro-Berry School Liaison Contact: bilbroberryl@ecu.edu or 252-328-1123
- State Homeless Coordinator: Lisa Phillips – 337-315-7491
- A definition of homeless according to the McKinney-Vento Act may be found at the North Carolina Homeless Education Program website.
ECU Annual Security Report
ECU’s Annual Security Report is available to download on the ECU Police website or in hard copy by request at the University Police Department. This report, required of all universities by federal law, provides crime statistics for the previous three years and includes certain ECU policies concerning campus security (such as policies regarding sexual assault, alcohol and other drugs). Additionally, crime logs for ECU’s campuses can be found on the university’s crime & fire logs website.
Relevant Policies and Manuals
- ECUCS Student Handbook (PDF)
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy (PDF)
- Parents Right to Know (PDF)
- Notificación a los Padres de Cualificaciones de Maestros (PDF)
- ECUCS Approved Policy Manual (PDF)
- Title IX Regulations (PDF)
- Public Expression Form (PDF)
Homeless Student Information
The federal law includes the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Program that entitles children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence to a free, appropriate education and requires schools to remove barriers to their enrollment, attendance, and success in school. Visit our Homeless Student Information webpage for more information.
ECU Community School Library
The ECU Community School has an online library available for our students and families. Visit the Destiny Discover library website to see what’s available.
Meal Application Benefits
Did you know that meal applications assist in so much more than just meals? When you qualify for free or reduced meals, you may qualify for additional benefits. Meal applications are available on the School Nutrition website or picked up from the Pitt County Schools Board of Education building. Some additional benefits include:
- School meals: free or reduced prices on delicious and nutritious meals
- ACT/SAT fees: discounted registration fees for academic testing
- College application fees: discount on fees associated with applying for college (at select colleges)
- Internet access: may be eligible for discounts on home internet services
- School funding: maintain funding for student programs and services