Science Education

Mathematics Education, Science Education, and Instructional Technology

Science Education

Becoming a science teacher is a rewarding profession and one that continues to be in high demand. 100% of ECU B.S. in Science Education graduates find employment, many prior to the end of their internship. 

Undergraduate education students may choose to concentrate in science at the elementary or middle grades levels or to pursue high school science by earning a B.S. in Science Education.

Graduate programs include a 15-h (5 course) Science Education Specialist Certificate and a 30-h (10 course) Master of Arts in Science Education. These courses are designed for science teachers and informal science educators. All courses in the certificate program apply towards the master’s degree.

Additionally, our programs at ECU offer opportunities to study abroad with science education faculty as a part of your plan of study. Faculty summer programs studying climate change in coastal ecosystems include trips to Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ireland and Belize.

Click here to get a glimpse of our trip to Ireland and to Costa Rica.