
The research courses provide practitioners from many areas with the skills they need to analyze and perform research.


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EDUC Graduate Courses:

6424. Graduate level research course.

6430. Statistics in Education (3) Prerequisite: none. Frequency distribution, central tendency, measurements of variability, sampling and reliability, correlation, regression, prediction, and methods of applying statistics in measurement and evaluation of programs.

6480Introduction to Research (3) Prerequisite: none. Development and use of research, research methods, applied research, methods of reasoning, fallacies in reasoning, statistical methods, thesis writing, survey research, and evaluation of research.

6482. Trends and Issues in Educational Research for Practitioners (3) Prerequisite: none. Recent developments in educational research and implications for educational practitioners as research consumers. Emphasis on identification, analysis, application, and evaluation of developments in literature through field-based research.

7001. Advanced Research and Evaluation (3) Prerequisite: EDUC 6480 (or equivalent) or consent of instructor. Scientific approach to problems in education. Utilizes advanced methodological and statistical techniques leading to design and evaluation of actual projects.

7420. Advanced Educational Statistics (3) Prerequisite: EDUC 7001 or consent of instructor. Major types of quantitative models and their practical application to data analysis in educational research. Emphasis on appropriateness of types of models for different research problems, the use of models as a basis for data interpretation, and management of data analysis projects.

7430. Qualitative Research in Education (3) Prerequisite: EDUC 6480 Field project required. Major types of research methods and techniques and their applicability to clarification and understanding of educational problems. Field project develops basic and advanced skills for conducting qualitative research in educational settings.

7440. Applied Educational Research (3) Prerequisite: EDUC 6480 or consent of instructor. Instructional systems-based strategies and methodology for identifying and using research findings in school practice. Emphasis on critical evaluation of current educational trends. Use of research information considered an advanced form of behavioral technology.