A Lifelong Passion

Love for History Drives Student’s Interest to Teach

Grace Brooks
Undergraduate Student, College of Education
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina

Department: Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education (LEHE)

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A passion for history drew Grace Brooks to pursue a degree in history education at East Carolina University.

“In high school, I found myself excited for my history classes while all my friends seemed to be dreading them,” she says, adding that she decided on becoming a teacher who is so enthusiastic about history that her students will share that same energy.

“That aspiration never changed,” she says. “I’ve always loved learning, and that passion for learning just solidified that being an educator was something I was meant to do. I have seen teachers change students’ lives, and I hope I can do the same one day because being an educator is about more than just teaching the curriculum.”

When researching schools, one stood out to Brooks — a university that to this day reassures her that she chose the right career path while giving her the tools to be a successful educator.

“The education program is what brought me to ECU,” she says. “Since I knew being a quality educator was something I wanted, I had to make sure I was a part of a quality education program in college. And I know I found that here.”

Her college experience has opened new opportunities that have enhanced her journey to become an educator. She points to a College of Education program that put her in contact with education students from other countries as an example of how ECU is helping her become a more well-rounded student and citizen.

“Despite how vast our realities seemed from one another, we were all still able to find connections with each other as individuals and as educators,” she says of the experience. “These discussions taught me to never just consider my beliefs, but to include other races, religions, genders and cultural backgrounds into my educational sphere.

“I was reminded that receptiveness is vital.”