Educational Strategies
Teacher Support Program for Learners with DeafBlindness
Assessing individuals with DeafBlindness requires a team approach by individuals who know the child best from home, school, and social settings. Often the most effective approach of assessing an individual with DeafBlindness is through an authentic assessment using everyday environments during daily activities.
- Assessing Communication and Learning in Young Children Who are DeafBlind or Who Have Multiple Disabilities
- National Center on DeafBlindness – Communication and Learning Assessments
- Assessments for Hearing & Functioning of the Ear
- National Center on DeafBlindness – Approach to Assessment
- List of Assessments with descriptions
- Authentic Assessments
- Quick Guide to Assessment Instruments
- Expressive Signal Dictionary
- Receptive Signal Dictionary
Learners with DeafBlindness often do not learn to read and write in typical ways due to the lack of visual and auditory information. Reading and writing that is connected through meaningfully engaged hands-on explorations, experiences, and interests provide an effective way to develop literacy skills for these learners. The following resources are compiled to address literacy for learners with combined vision and hearing loss.
- Literacy Development for Learners
- Literacy Development for Learners
Due to limited visual and auditory input learners with DeafBlindness may not have the Incidental learning experiences needed for development of basic math concepts. The following resources were compiled to address math for learners with combined vision and hearing loss.
- Teaching Mathematics to Elementary Students with DeafBlindness and Intellectual Disabilities
- Teaching Mathematics to Secondary Students with DeafBlindness and Intellectual Disabilities
Sensory Integration
Sensory integration is a term that has been used to describe processes in the brain that allow us to take information we receive from our 5 senses, organize it, and respond appropriately. We also have a vestibular sense (balance) that tells us how to position our bodies and heads, and a proprioceptive sense (awareness of body in space) that helps us know what we do with our joints, muscles, and ligaments.
Learn more about Sensory Integration
Resources for Sensory Integration:
- CHARGE Syndrome: Sensory Processing by David Brown
- n this webcast David Brown provides an overview of the impact that CHARGE Syndrome has on sensory processing. He describes the impact of sensory processing on proprioception, the vestibular sense, and behavior. In addition, David talks about the educational implications resulting from sensory processing issues. David Brown is an Educational Specialist with California DeafBlind Services in San Francisco who has spent many years researching various aspects of CHARGE Syndrome
- The sensory integration perspective and what it offers us in the field of DeafBlindness by David Brown
- The Forgotten Sense – Proprioception
- This is first in a series of articles by David Brown, Education Specialist with California DeafBlind Services, exploring the part that the less well-known senses play in our development and the lives we lead
- Texas DeafBlind Project – Sensory Integration and Sensory Motor Activities
- This website provides information on different sensory activities for children.
- The sensory integration perspective and what it offers us in the field of DeafBlindness
- This PDF provides information on the sensory integration and how it relates to DeafBlindness.
- NMSBVI Vision Bees
- Texas DeafBlind Project – Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration for Visual Impairment
- This article discusses the impact of visual impairment on sensory integration, and how sensory integration disorder manifests in students with blindness and visual impairments.
- Pinterest Board – OTs Working with Students with Visual Impairments
- This link provides different sensory friendly things you can make for your students to provide active learning.
- What is Sensory Integration Therapy?
- This link provides information on what sensory integration is and some goals that can come from it.
- Assessment of Vision in Infants and Children
- Virtual/Home Instruction Ideas for Students with DB – Sensory
“Not being able to speak is not the same thing as not having anything to say.” Rosemary Crossley
Individuals with DeafBlindness require individualized instruction and accommodations to develop their communication skills. The following resources will explore how communication and concept development go hand-in-hand for learners with combined vision and hearing loss.
Forms of Communication
- Object Calendar
- Object Communication
- Touch Cues
- Tactile Name Cues
- Co-Active vs. Tactile Signing
- Understanding Coactive and Tactile Signing
- Project Core 3-D Symbols
- Interactions with Objects
Resources on Communication
- Resources on Communication
- Embedding Communication with Literacy and Math
- Schedule Ideas and Links
- Communication Matrix/Behavior
- Conversation Boxes
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology provides learners with DeafBlindness access to literacy and communication in the school, home, and community. Assistive technology can be low-tech or high-tech options that allows learners to increase their participation and independence. The following resources were compiled to address assistive technology for learners with combined vision and hearing loss.
Educational Apps
Low Tech Ideas
High Tech Ideas