Early Intervention

Teacher Support Program for Learners with DeafBlindness

Early Intervention

Early identification of children who are DeafBlind can allow families and intervention specialists to develop appropriate team support for needs and access therapeutic specialists to address both developmental and educational needs.  Reporting children who are DeafBlind to the State DeafBlind Centers for Education census (National Center on DeafBlindness, 2014) allows continued national and state support and assistance for children with this low incidence condition as well as provides a mechanism to initiate technical assistance and supports for the families and Early Intervention providers (Wiley, Parnell and Belhorn, 2016)

NC Early Intervention and Identification Contacts

The first contact for receiving Early Intervention Services in NC is your local CDSA. Local Children’s Developmental Services Agencies (CDSAs) are available to help families, caregivers, and professionals serve children with special needs through the NC Infant Toddler Program. Contacts for the CDSAs and the Early Learning Sensory Support Programs HI and VI are listed below:

DeafBlind Project Contacts

Children with combined vision and hearing loss must be registered on the NC DeafBlind Census to receive DeafBlind Services. Each year the NC DeafBlind Project is required by the federal government to conduct a child count and submit specific information. This information determines North Carolina’s share of federal grant money which is used to provide professional development and technical assistance to families and service providers of children who are identified as DeafBlind. The count is a snapshot of eligible students on December 1st. The count includes infants and toddlers, children, and youth birth through 21 years of age. After registering your student on the DeafBlind Census you can then use the ECU/TSP Teacher Request Form to begin receiving teacher support services.

Online Trainings

Early Communication

Interveners in Early Intervention

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