Kristen Martin

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September 2023

Women Leading Education (WLE)

Across Continents 8th International Conference Drs. Carrie Morris (ECU-LEED) and Nicole Pierce-Davis (Assistant Superintendent, Newark, CA), both recent ECU EdD graduates, presented their research at the Women Leading Education (WLE) […]


We Welcomed a New EdD Cohort!

Our newest cohort of EdD students gathered throughout the second summer session, which ran from June 22-July 28, to begin their journey to becoming scholarly practitioners of educational leadership. Drs. […]


MSA Internship Summer Learning Exchange

MSA Internship instructors Drs. Lawrence Hodgkins, Michael Bracy, Emily Bivins, and Carlos Ramirez hosted a Learning Exchange July 14th on campus with our second year MSA students. Our learning was […]


LEED Student Spotlight: Jennifer Horne

EdD Student: Jennifer Horne Current title: Coordinator for Off-Model Credit Programs (Office of Online Learning, Academic Outreach, and Academic Innovation) Hometown: Charlotte, NC (but have lived in Greenville for the […]


LEED Student Spotlight: Natalia Figueroa-Bernal

Briefly describe your current program: It is my first semester taking classes for my master’s degree, so I am still getting a sense of the program. Currently, I am enrolled […]


Welcome: Carlos Ramirez

Name: Carlos Ramirez Title: Teaching Assistant Professor Hometown: Woodland, CA Colleges attended and degrees: U.C. Davis, Sociology, B.A. Chapman University, Human Resources, M.S., University of North Texas, Educational Administration, Ed.D. […]


Welcome Dr. Elizabeth Hodge!

Name: Elizabeth Hodge, PhD Title: Professor, Educational Leadership DepartmentLead Administrator, NC New Teacher Support Program. Hometown: Originally from New York, I have lived in North Carolina for 30 years and […]


Alumni Spotlight: Carrie Morris

Name: Carrie Morris Title: Associate Director for School Leadership, ECUHometown: Swansboro, NC Colleges attended and degrees: B.A. in Elem. Ed: Elon University, M.A. Elem. Ed: UNC-Wilmington, M.S.A.: ECU, Ed.D.: ECU What drew you […]


Dr. Matt Militello Keynote Speaker for ECU’s Convocation

On Friday, August 18th, ECU welcomed faculty and staff at convocation. Our very own Dr. Matt Militello provided a keynote address entitled “Rediscovering our Gifts and Assets”. This inspiring message […]


August 2023

DES students finish summer session

Student participants in the ECU Discoveries in Earth Science (DES) program presented preliminary ideas for science fair projects during the last day of the summer session. During the three-week summer […]
