GE – Global Virtual Exchange
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ECU has long been a pioneer in offering multi-lateral global virtual exchange courses that provide students an opportunity to interact and dialogue with students from around the world, all while sitting in an ECU classroom. Often called “Global Understandings” courses, these courses are offered in a range of general education program areas (ANTH, COMM, FORL, INTL, POLS, PSYC, SOCI) and students in them have the opportunity to discuss content-relevant topics and design collaborative projects with students from schools in three different countries. The key take-away from such an experience is the development of cultural competence and cultural intelligence, key attributes needed in the ever-growing global marketplace. Beginning in spring 2020, the College of Education will be offering an education focused global understandings course that will center on comparative educational practices globally. Consult your advisor about how you might enroll in one of these exciting global educational experiences right here on ECU’s campus.