Educators Hall of Fame 2016 Inductees

East Carolina University’s College of Education is pleased to have had this opportunity to recognize 26 individuals for their extensive contributions to the field of education. The Educators Hall of Fame was initiated in 1999 to permanently acknowledge education professionals and associations who have made distinguished contributions to the field of education through service and mission.

Nominations were secured with a minimum $1000 gift to the College for the establishment of the Educators Hall of Fame Endowment Scholarship. Scholarships are given to outstanding education majors. The awards ceremony was held Saturday, January 2017.

We were honored to receive an address at this year’s ceremony by Dr. Ray Spain, Superintendent of Warren County Schools and chair of the College’s Professional Advisory Board.

The 2016 Hall of Fame Honorees are listed below. 

NameInduction YearECU Alumni?Plaque Inscription
Dr. Kathi Wilhite2016Special Educator
Dedicated to the Improvement of
Educational Opportunities for
Individuals with Disabilities
Dr. John A. Swope2016An esteemed educator
who has persevered to expand minds both
professionally and personally-
education is a part of every facet of his life.
Dr. Katherine O'Connor2016COE Associate Professor - Director of EC Scholars
Associate Dean of ECU's Honors College
Advocate for Gifted Education
Decisions are simple when children are put first.
Dr. Robert C. Hanes2016He devoted his lift to serving
students and teachers with unwavering
passion, dedication and courage.
Peggy Ruth Jackson Nelson2016Educate, Graduate, Freedom!
Believe in Self and People, Better the world!
Life's Gift is not what you Gather But What You "Scatter"!
I Never Met A Student I Didn't LIKE!
Mary Alice Yarbrough2016We teachers, students, and administrators are on
an incredible journey called EDUCATION;
we reach our destinations only if we begin
with the end clearly in sight.
Carla Barrows Frinsko2016In recognition of her passion for and dedication to
the education of all children
regardless of their background, circumstances, challenges or limitations
Gwenlyn Goodson Jeffreys2016yesGwenlyn Goodson Jeffreys
Dr. B. Grant Hayes2016East Carolina University
College of Education
Dean and Distinguished Professor
Dr. Sandra Warren2016Sandra Hopfengardner Warren, PhD
Special Education faculty member 2000-
We're energized by our incredible undergraduate & graduate
students & community colleagues! Go Pirate Educators!
Dr. Patricia Peoples2016Patricia Lois Peoples
Forever a Pirate
Teach. Lead. Inspire.