Faculty Publications

Listed below are publications by ECU College of Education faculty that are related to diversity.

Faculty Publications on Diversity
Ryan, C., & Hermann-Wilmarth, J. M. (2018). Reading the rainbow: LGBTQ-inclusive literacy instruction in the elementary classroom. Teachers College.
Blaisdell, B. (2017). Resisting redlining in the classroom: A collaborative approach to racial spaces analysis. In D. Morrison, S.A. Annamma, & D.D. Jackson (Eds.), Critical Race Spatial Analysis: A Search to Understand and Address Educational Inequity: Stylus Publishing.
Blaisdell, B. (2016). Exorcising the racism phantasm: Racial realism in educational research. The Urban Review 48(2): 285-310.
Blaisdell, B. (2015). Schools as racial spaces: understanding and resisting structural racism. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1080/09518398.2015.1023228
Gallagher, J. & Farley, J. (In Press). Picturing Teacher Agency: Developing Upstanding Heuristics in a Middle Grades Social Studies Methods Course. Middle Grades Review
Gallagher, J., Swalwell, K. & Bellows, E.B. (2019). “Pinning” with Pause: Supporting Teachers’ Critical Consumption of Online Curriculum Sharing Sites. Social Education.
Farley, J., Gallagher, J. & Richardson-Bruna, K. (2019). Disrupting Narrow Conceptions of Justice and Upstanding: Grounding Historical and Contemporary “Upstanding” in Theory, Identity and Context in a University Honors Course. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
Gallagher, J. (In Press). Inhibited by Difficult Knowledge and Blinded by Whiteness: Opportunities Still Afforded Through Inquiry Strategies in Doubly Constrained Civil Rights Teaching. In Shear, S. and Hawkman, A. (Eds.), Marking the Invisible: Articulating Whiteness in Social Studies Education. Book contracted with Information Age Publishing
Avent-Harris, J., Crumb, L., Crowe, A., & Garland McKinney, J. (2020). African
Americans’ perceptions of mental illness and preferences for treatment. Journal of Counselor Practice, 11(1), 1–33. https://doi:10.22229/afa1112020
Avent Harris, J., Crumb, L., Hammonds, D., & Cartwright, A. (Aug. 2020). Black mental health matters, Counseling Today. https://ct.counseling.org/2020/07/black-mental-health-matters/
Blaisdell B. & Taylor Bullock, R. (In Press). White Imagination, Black Reality: Recentering Critical Race Theory in Critical Whiteness Studies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Blaisdell, B. (2021) Counternarrative as Strategy: Embedding Critical Race Theory to Develop an Antiracist School Identity. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2021.1942299
Blaisdell, B. (2020). Cupcakes, White Rage, and the Epistemology of Antiblackness. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 19(1). https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/taboo/vol19/iss1/6
Blaisdell, B. (2020). Right to the Classroom: Seeking Spatial justice in Kindergarten. The Urban Review, 52, 151-172. DOI: 10.1007/s11256-019-00516-3
Crumb, L., Chambers, C. R., & Chittum, J. (2021). Black boy joy: The college aspirations of
rural Black male students. The Rural Educator, 42(1), 1-19.
Crumb, L., Haskins, N., Dean, L., & Avent Harris, J. (2020). Illuminating social-class identity:
The persistence of working-class African American women doctoral students. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 13(3), 215-227. doi:10.1037/dhe0000109
Gallagher, J., Blaisdell, B., Howard, C., & Avent Harris, J. (2021). Navigating Contentious Times in Rural Education. Theory & Practice in Rural Education, 11(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.3776/tpre.2021.v11n2p1-14
Finley, T. [@finleyt]. (2021, November 12). Research on gender equity and information for allies
[Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/finleyt/status/1461759543084519425.
Howard, C. M., Overstreet, M. H., & Ticknor, A. S. (2020). Engaging Preservice Teachers with Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Three Model Lessons for Teacher Educators. Journal of Language and Literacy Education: Take 2. http://jolle.coe.uga.edu/take-2/
Howard, C. M. & Ticknor, A. S. (2019). Affirming cultures, communities and experiences: Teaching for social justice in teacher education literacy courses. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas.
Howard, C. M., Overstreet, M. H., & Ticknor, A. S. (2018). Engaging preservice teachers with culturally responsive pedagogy: Three model lessons for teacher educators. Journal of Language and Literacy Education.
McKinnon, J. F., Ticknor, A. S., & Froula, A. (2019). Engaging Pacific Islander veterans and military families in difficult heritage discussions. Journal of Maritime Archaeology. DOI: 10.1007/s11457-019-09227-y
Overstreet, M., Avent Harris, J., Crumb, L., Howard, C. (2021). Facing the storm: Our first annual faculty of color writing retreat as a microcosm for being a Black woman in the academy. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912416211013883
Overstreet, M. H., Ticknor, A. S., & Howard, C. M. (accepted). Recognizing children’s brilliance through affirming literacy instruction. Literacy Today
Rivera, C. J. (2022). The Intersections of Poverty and Special education. In D. Boudah, People with Disabilities: Face to Face (2nd). Cognella Academic Publishing.
Rivera, C. J., Ortiz, A., Christensen, L. L., & Mitchell, J. (In Press). English Learners with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Reflecting on Diverse Needs and a Call to Advance Effective Practice. Multiple Voices.
Swain, A, & Baker, T. L. Whiteness Owns it, Blackness Defines it.
Rural Reality in the Black Belt. Theory & Practice in Rural Education (TPRE), 11(2): 15-27.
Ticknor, A. S., Howard, C. M., & Overstreet, M. H. (2021). It’s not “one more thing”: Culturally responsive and affirming strategies in K-12 literacy classrooms. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Ticknor, A.S. & Averett, P. (in press). Drawing teachers: Examining teacher gender in drawings by pre-service educators. Gender and Education.
Ticknor, A. S., Overstreet, M. H., & Howard, C. M. (2020). Disruptive teaching: Centering equity and diversity in literacy pedagogical practices. Reading Horizons: Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 59 (1).