Assistive Technology Foundations

A COE Continuing and Professional Education Course – 2.5 CEUs

Assistive Technologies (AT) help individuals with disabilities address a functional need that is related to their disability characteristics. Accessibility and Universal Design Learning (UDL) are rapidly changing the landscape of access to technology, education, and even social avenues. Understanding these terms and how assistive technologies connect to them is important in a wide variety of professional fields including Early Childhood, Education, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Recreation Therapy, Social Work, Medical fields, Human Resources, and more.

This 5-week Continuing Education course is offered each semester. The course will help participants learn about AT: what it is; where to find it; how to match it to an individual’s needs; how to prove it is effective, and avenues for procurement. Participants will engage in a variety of knowledge and skills activities and assessments.

For more information, visit the Continuing and Professional Education website.