Student Profile: Meagan Harris

Name: Meagan Harris

Current degree program: Middle Grades Education, Science & Math Concentrations

Hometown: I moved to Wayne County in 2008 and now call Goldsboro my home

Hobbies/interests: I enjoy being creative and have drawn and painted for a lot of my life. I enjoy building houses in The Sims, watching crime show dramas, and reading a good fantasy or mystery book.

What drew you to pursue your current degree?

I came to ECU to pursue a degree in education.  I have always been someone who thrives on variety and has many, varied interests.

What made you decide to be an educator?

I have tutored my peers throughout high school and college. I deeply enjoy helping people learn information and make meaningful connections. There are few things more rewarding than helping someone else have a lightbulb or “ah ha” moment.

Why did you choose ECU?

Initially, as an online cohort member, ECU gave me an option to further my education by helping me to access higher education options as an adult learner. I chose to return to ECU because I found tremendous support for my educational journey.

Dr. Manning mentioned that you were a nontraditional student. Can you talk a little bit about your journey to pursue your teaching degree?

 I love to learn but learning has not always been easy for me. I am an individual with learning disabilities, so learning itself can require immense amounts of time and effort. I feel like I am proof for my future students that anything is possible if you are willing to put in the work to achieve it.

Do you have any advice for students looking to pursue an education degree?

Teaching is a profession in which one improves but does not arrive. There is so much about teaching that can be difficult and demanding. There is also a lot of rewarding relationships, experiences, and interactions. Find something that sets your soul on fire and makes your life feel enriched.

Is there anything else you would like to say about ECU or pursuing an elementary education degree?

Knowledge is powerful – it can change you and others – so value what bit each class and professor can add to your life. As with most things in life, you get out what you put in. Dare to ask questions, reach out and explore the world around you.