Student Profile: Casey Lambert

Name: Casey Lambert

Current degree program: Special Education – Adapted Curriculum

Hometown: Mount Pleasant, NC

Hobbies/interests: I love going to the beach, reading books, and spending time with my family.

What drew you to pursue your current degree?

It was not until high school that I found my passion for teaching students with disabilities. I was invited to a club called Project Unify. The purpose of this organization is to bridge the gap between students with disabilities and students within the general curriculum. Within this club, I found my passion for advocating for individuals with disabilities and finding ways to show their strengths. There is so much we can learn from individuals with disabilities. I am excited to be a small part of the journey that will be my students’ lives.

What made you decide to be an educator?

All my life, I have wanted to become a teacher. Even as a little girl, I would make my brother play school during summer break. This spark was turned into a flame through the influence of some inspirational educators. These individuals challenged, supported, and loved me. It has been truly amazing to see the impact my teachers have not only had on my life but my peers as well. I want to be this support system for others. I want to inspire and influence students’ lives like so many teachers have mine.

Why did you choose ECU?

When thinking of ECU, the College of Education is the first thing that comes to mind. Teaching is the foundation of East Carolina University. From the foundation of ECTC, education is in the bones of ECU. The College of Education’s exceptional faculty is the reason I choose to attend ECU to obtain my bachelor’s degree. Their knowledge and passion for training future educators are inspiring. Every class has prepared me for one day becoming a teacher and has reaffirmed my decision to want to teach.

Do you have any advice for students looking to pursue an education degree?

To any person looking to pursue a degree in education, I would encourage you to do so. This is one of the most fulfilling careers a person can go into. Please do not let anyone discourage you from pursuing education. Money does not always mean happiness. I want to leave you with a quote that I love and inspires me is:

“Teaching is the profession on which all other professions depend” -Linda Darling

Is there anything else you would like to say about ECU or pursuing a special education degree?

I am so grateful for all the opportunities and experiences the College of Education has provided me here at East Carolina University. This program has made my dream of becoming a teacher a reality. I am excited to share my knowledge and passion with the students of Eastern North Carolina.