Student Profile: Brittany Foster


Name: Brittany Foster

Current major/degree program: Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Social Studies and Science

Hometown: Rocky Mount, NC

Hobbies/interests: reading, hanging out with family, spending time outside

What drew you to pursue your current degree?

My mom is a teacher, so growing up I always knew that I wanted to become an educator as well. I have had a passion for learning and teaching my whole life.

What is your favorite part about working with the Center for STEM Education?

I love getting to meet teachers from all over eastern North Carolina and helping them find resources to diversify and enhance their STEM instruction.

What are some of the things you do with the Center for STEM Education?

One of the projects that the STEM Center is involved in is the AP Summer Institute, which is a program designed to help beginning and current AP teachers select course materials, learn ways for higher-level thinking, and prepare students for AP exams. I help coordinate instructors and assist with other tasks throughout the year in preparation for the event. I also assist daily with checking materials in and out of the STEM Center’s resource library for teachers.

Do you have any advice for students in the education field?

I would say to try and use every resource that is available to you during your time in college! 

Any final thoughts on ECU or the Center for STEM Education?

I have loved working for the STEM Center, and I have truly enjoyed my time at ECU. Heading into my senior year, I am so grateful for all of the opportunities that I have been given during the past three years, and I can’t wait to put into practice all that I have learned once I graduate.