REI Faculty: Dr. Martin Reardon

Dr. Martin ReardonName: Martin Reardon

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Educational Leadership

What do you like about working with REI?

Collaborating with an interdisciplinary group of colleagues under the sure yet adventurous guidance of Kristen Cuthrell to make a difference in nearby rural places.

Can you briefly describe the research/work that you’re doing for school-based mental health supports in rural districts?

I act as the in-house evaluator—focusing particularly on the non-technical presentation of quantitative evidence of effectiveness.

Why did you decide to work with REI’s team on this initiative?

I was born and raised in a rural place where education was valued. I was enthused to see the rejuvenation of REI, and pleased to be invited to affiliate myself with it—especially since at that time I was editing two volumes on innovation and making an impact in rural places

What outcomes/impacts do you hope this work will have?

I have witnessed an increasing awareness of the role of REI across the university and, especially since its rejuvenation, among our rural community neighbors. The projects with which we are engaged are making a difference for one student at a time across multiple schools and districts.

What has been your favorite part of this work?

Witnessing the emerging of a difference for one student at a time.