Kristen Martin

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January 2022

Glassman receives ASCA dissertation award

Dr. Valerie Glassman received the Association for Student Conduct Administration (ASCA) Dissertation of the Year award. Glassman’s research is titled “Mastering the Psychological Landscape of Student Conduct Administration.” She is […]


Lloyd recognized as teacher of excellence

Robin Lloyd is being recognized as the North Carolina Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NCASCD) Teacher of Excellence on Feb. 4 during the annual conference in Pinehurst. Lloyd graduated […]


December 2021

Hands publishes article in special anti-racism issue

Library Science assistant professor Dr. Africa Hands recently published an article in a special anti-racism issue of Reference Services Review titled “Toward belong and mutual hospitality: decentering whiteness in the […]


Crumb and Chambers receive award to establish equity, rural education research agenda

Dr. Loni Crumb of counselor education and Dr. Crystal Chambers of educational leadership received a prestigious award from the Spencer Foundation to help establish a research agenda speaking to equity […]


Donald receives McClammy counseling award

The counselor education program awarded the 2021-22 ECU Counselor Education McClammy Award to Nicole Donald, a graduate student pursuing a dual degree in recreational therapy administration and counselor education. Donald […]


Research highlights collaborative nature of faculty, alumni

Three recent publications highlight the collaborative nature of the College of Education as well as the success of students post-graduation. Dr. Rhea Miles, a science education professor, published an article […]


Broughton, Howard lead educational research review session

Dr. Phyllis Broughton, a teaching assistant professor in adult education, and Courtney Howard, a counselor education graduate student from Washington, NC, led an Educational Research Review session using Dr. Loni […]


Broughton, Dotson receive Award of Excellence by NC Society of Historians

Drs. Phyllis Broughton and Kaye Dotson were recognized with an Award of Excellence by the North Carolina Society of Historians on November 14 for their research and summary on “The […]


Lin, Broughton conduct virtual workshop for BSOM

On Tuesday, November 16, Drs. Xi Lin and Phyllis Broughton of the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions conducted a virtual workshop on Bridging Generation Gaps in Teaching and Learning for the Brody School […]


Gregory receives Outstanding Article award

Dr. Kristen Gregory received the 2021 Cynthia L. Peterson Outstanding Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL) Article Award for her article, “Trades-Based Literacy: Community College Faculty’s Exploration of Disciplinary […]
