Elementary and Middle Grades Education

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December 2016

Why Should You Get Your Master’s Degree in Education?

Update: Interest in the MAEd program has been quite strong! We now anticipate forming two cohorts starting in Summer 2017.  For more information, contact Dr. Carol Greene at greeneh@ecu.edu or […]


November 2016

FaceTime to Fairbanks

Lights dim over 100 students from Meadow Lane Elementary School who sat on the edge of their seats waiting for the image to appear on the SMART Board.  Learning through […]


October 2016

“Most Likely to Succeed” film screening inspires students and faculty

On Sept. 27th, the College of Education held a film screening of Most Likely to Succeed. The 82 people in the audience were a mixture of faculty and students.  Most Likely to […]


Amanda Blakely named first North Carolina Student Teacher of the Year

Amanda Blakely, 2016 ECU Graduate in Birth-Kindergarten, was named the first North Carolina Student Teacher of the Year by North Carolina Association for Colleges and Teacher Educators (NC-ACTE) at their […]


September 2016

ECU College of Education honors scholarship recipients and donors

More than 100 students in East Carolina University’s College of Education have received a record amount of scholarship support for the upcoming academic year. This year, more than $550,000 in […]


Co-Planning and Co-Teaching: Coast to coast

Dr. Charity Cayton and Dr. Maureen Grady spent much of their summer co-planning and co-teaching from the East Coast to the West Coast. They began in Atlanta, GA in June, […]


ECU education degree programs ranked in top 20

East Carolina University did extremely well in Teacher.org’s ranking of education degree programs, and have achieved top 20 status twice: 15th best Educational Leadership degree program in the U.S. of over 560 qualifying colleges. […]


August 2016

ECU receives funding to develop leaders in education

GREENVILLE, N.C. (8/22/2016) – The East Carolina University College of Education is one of two universities invited to join the Sanford Education Collaborative (SEC), a network of universities committed to […]


ECU faculty inspire science on National Mall

Summers are warm but certainly not lazy for ECU faculty. Many ECU Faculty use this time as an opportunity to reach beyond the campus and inspire and excite people of […]


June 2016

edTPA Data Summit 2016

The College of Education’s Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Data Management hosted the third annual Data Summit on June 8, to share edTPA performance data with faculty and discuss strategic […]
