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June 2016

One in a million: COE alum has rare identical triplets

Congratulations to ECU College of Education alum Gavin Fradel and his family on their newest addition–a rare identical set of triplet girls. The May 2016 graduate earned a master of […]


April 2016

Dr. Daniel Dickerson Represents ECU on Fulbright Commission Panel Addressing STEM Study Abroad Partnerships with the Czech Republic

Dr. Daniel Dickerson, associate professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education and ECU STEM CoRE (Collaborative for Research in Education) Co-Director, is among a small group […]


February 2016

People Need to Know: Confronting History in the Heartland — New book by Dr. Robert M. Lucas

The book,  People Need to Know: Confronting History in the Heartland by Dr. Robert M. Lucas, Assistant Professor in the Department of Elementary & Middle Grades Education, has just been […]


SEADAP Grant Program Holds First Annual Science Fair

The Science Education Against Drug Abuse Partnership (SEADAP) program held its First Annual Science Fair on January 21st, 2016 on the campus of East Carolina University. The goals of the NIH/NIDA […]


December 2015

Dr. Tammy Lee Recognized as North Carolina’s Most Outstanding Science Leader

Dr. Tammy Lee received the Herman and Emma Gatling Award for Outstanding Leadership in Science Education from the North Carolina Science Leadership Association (NCSLA) on November 11, 2015 at the Fall 2015 NCSLA […]


October 2015

Education Graduate Leads Middle Schoolers in Conducting Nature Research

By Crystal Baity ECU News Services Eighth-graders at C.M. Eppes Middle School hope to find out if a backyard weed actually contains some beneficial ingredients. Their teacher, Jennifer Stalls, an […]


PIRATES Educators Work to Improve K-6 Science Education

GREENVILLE, N.C. (10/15/15) — On Saturday, October 10th fifteen College of Education alumni returned to East Carolina University to attend a workshop, “Systemic Science. It’s Elementary!” These teachers were among […]


From the TRC…3D Printing Now Available to ECU Community

It’s the first Thursday of the month and a new edition of From the TRC is published to highlight an instructional technology resource Joyner Library’s Teaching Resources Center (TRC) has to support the College […]


September 2015

Elementary Science Alumna Receives WITN’s Teacher of the Week Award

Congratulations to Dail Berry who received this week’s Teacher of the Week award from WITN. Last May, Berry graduated from East Carolina University, receiving the Bachelor of Science degree in […]


June 2015

Belize Anyone? Blair Driver Selected to Study Tropical Ecologies

Blair Driver is an extremely talented middle school science teacher at Pactolus School in Pitt County, Assistant Director of the East Carolina University Summer Science Camp, and graduate from the […]
