Science Education

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October 2013

NC Science Festival Needs Presenters!

The NC Science Festival (March 28-April 13, 2014) is now accepting applications from teachers and administrators for our 2014 K-12 programs! Applications will be accepted through November 1, and decisions […]


The Science Education Club is back in full blast!

The first meeting was held September 30, 2013 and the room was full with education majors. Thirty students attended the meeting and several science instructors and faculty were present too! […]


Never Too Old for LEGO!

On Wednesday, Oct 2, 2013 Jennifer Christensen met with the Gamma Student Chapter, Mathematics Education Club. She introduced students and faculty to U.S. FIRST: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science […]


Elementary Science Publishes and Presents Research

We’re very proud to announce several publications and presentations by our elementary science education faculty and graduate students. Science and Children, the journal of the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) […]


September 2013

MSITE Student-Faculty Meet & Greet Success!

Last Thursday (8/29/2013), MSITE graduate and undergraduate students took advantage of the opportunity to meet & greet with one another, and make small-talk with their professors outside of the classroom!  […]


August 2013

MSITE Welcomes New Faculty

Several new faculty members join the MSITE Department this fall.  We welcome: Charity Cayton, Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education Bonnie Glass, Teaching Instructor in Science Education Maureen Grady, Assistant Professor […]


July 2013

Summer Science Camp

You may see a lot of children in the classrooms around the Flanagan Building this summer. This is the location for the ECU Summer Science Camp. This camp is open […]


June 2013

Center for Stem Education Hosts AP Institute

From June 24 to June 27 the Center for STEM Education at East Carolina University hosted an AP (Advanced Placement) Institute endorsed by the College Board.  More than 50 teachers […]


March 2013

Counselors connect with ECU College of Education

Forty-Four high school guidance counselors from Eastern North Carolina gained up-to-date information about East Carolina University and its teacher programs during “Each One-Reach One,” held on campus Feb. 12. Sponsored […]


March 2009

Second Century Campaign

The College of Education, in partnership with East Carolina University, launched the largest campaign in its history– the COE Second Century Campaign.  The College of Education set campaign priorities specific […]
