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October 2014

2014 Fall Clinical Teacher Conference and the 32nd Annual Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts Conference a Success

The Fall Clinical Teacher Conference and the 32nd Annual Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts Conference were held October 9th, emceed by Christa Monroe, the College of Education’s Lead Coordinator in […]


Megan Potter, ’11 MAEd READ graduate, was named the Beaufort County Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015

Mrs. Meredith Megan Potter Ormond, who teaches English at the Beaufort County Early College High School, was named Beaufort County’s Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015 during the annual banquet […]


September 2014

College of Education Recognizes Academic Excellence with Scholarships

The College of Education presented approximately $406,800 in scholarship awards to 73 East Carolina University students for the 2014-2015 school year. Recipients were honored at the College of Education Scholarship […]


Diversity in Education Event 10/15/14

You are cordially invited to attend a Dynamic Dialogue about Diversity event, “Diversity in Education”  sponsored by the Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach in the College of Education, […]


August 2014

College of Education Welcomes New Pirate Educators!

The College of Education welcomed 86 State Employee’s Credit Union (SECU) Partnership East students and approximately 245 incoming freshmen during summer orientations in June, July, and August 2014. SECU Partnership […]


2015 CAEP Visit Preparations Commence

The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) unit at East Carolina University will host its next CAEP accreditation visit February 8-10, 2015. In preparation for the on-site visit, the College of Education’s […]


Dr. William B. Martin Awarded Kappa Delta Pi Honors

Dr. William B. Martin, College of Education Professor Emeritus, was honored this past year for two awards through Kappa Delta Pi International. He was inducted as one of the charter […]


June 2014

Kenneth McKee ’13 Selected as ASCD Emerging Leader

Kenneth “Kenny” McKee ’13 has been named to the ASCD Emerging Leaders Class of 2014. The ASCD Emerging Leaders program is designed to prepare a young, diverse group of educators […]


May 2014

Journal of Curriculum and Instruction Issue Published

The editorial team of the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction is delighted to announce publication of a new special topic issue, Performance Assessment of Pre-Service and In-Service Educators. Sharilyn C. […]


Swaggerty Posts on NC Reading Association Blog

Dr. Elizabeth Swaggerty wrote a post about the Tar River Reading Council’s participation in the ECU Earth Day Expo that was just published on the North Carolina Reading Association blog. […]
