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October 2014

2014 Fall Clinical Teacher Conference and the 32nd Annual Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts Conference a Success

The Fall Clinical Teacher Conference and the 32nd Annual Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts Conference were held October 9th, emceed by Christa Monroe, the College of Education’s Lead Coordinator in […]


Megan Potter, ’11 MAEd READ graduate, was named the Beaufort County Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015

Mrs. Meredith Megan Potter Ormond, who teaches English at the Beaufort County Early College High School, was named Beaufort County’s Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015 during the annual banquet […]


September 2014

Dr. Sugar Goes to Press Again with Book, “Studies of ID Practices”

Dr. William Sugar of the College of Education’s Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology Education Department has recently finished his latest book, “Studies of ID Practices: A Review and Synthesis of […]


Counselor Education Students to Participate in Mental Health Emergency Training

On Oct. 3, graduate students in the counselor education program in the ECU College of Education will participate in an all-day, intensive training session on mental health, first aid and […]


COE Instructional Technology Student Named AAC Player of the Week

Shane Carden, a MS Instructional Technology student, was named the AAC player of the week for his performance on the football field this week. According to the news release from […]


CAEP Prep: NCATE-Legacy Transformation Initiative

ECU’s accreditation cycle was extended by one year – from Spring 2014 to Spring 2015 – when our Transformation Initiative (TI) was approved. As a result, ECU was allowed to […]


CAEP Prep: Welcome to the Pirate CODE

The College of Education is one of only a few teacher education institutions nationwide to receive approval from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) to implement a […]


College of Education Recognizes Academic Excellence with Scholarships

The College of Education presented approximately $406,800 in scholarship awards to 73 East Carolina University students for the 2014-2015 school year. Recipients were honored at the College of Education Scholarship […]


Diversity in Education Event 10/15/14

You are cordially invited to attend a Dynamic Dialogue about Diversity event, “Diversity in Education”  sponsored by the Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach in the College of Education, […]


CAEP Prep: ECU Conceptual Framework

The East Carolina University Conceptual Framework is a guiding document for the programs within the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) unit at the institution. It applies to all programs which prepare candidate […]
