Elementary and Middle Grades Education

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August 2014

Dr. William B. Martin Awarded Kappa Delta Pi Honors

Dr. William B. Martin, College of Education Professor Emeritus, was honored this past year for two awards through Kappa Delta Pi International. He was inducted as one of the charter […]


July 2014

Dr. Rhea Miles and Dr. Scott Rawls awarded National Institute of Health Grant

Dr. Rhea Miles, Associate Professor -Science Education, Department of Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology Education and Dr. Scott Rawls, ECU Alumnus and Associate Professor of Pharmacology in the Center for […]


June 2014

NCTQ Recognizes ECU Teacher Quality

By Jane Dail Thursday, June 19, 2014 A nationwide study of college teaching prep programs ranked one East Carolina University program among the top 15. The National Council on Teaching Quality […]


May 2014

Journal of Curriculum and Instruction Issue Published

The editorial team of the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction is delighted to announce publication of a new special topic issue, Performance Assessment of Pre-Service and In-Service Educators. Sharilyn C. […]


April 2014

COE Students Initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa

Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society, was founded December 3, 1914 at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia by 15 student and faculty leaders. The founders formulated […]


Presentations Related to Gifted and Talented Education Given at National Convention

Dr. Lori Flint chaired a discussion in Philadelphia at AERA entitled, “Psychosocial Topics in Giftedness, Creativity and Talent,” on April 7th. She presented a second session later that week at […]


Manner Joins Oxford/London Symposia Board

Dr. Jane Manner, associate professor of elementary education, was asked to join the Advisory Board of the Oxford/ London Symposia. The Oxford Education Research Symposium is a forum for presentation […]


NCAGT Recognizes ECU AIG Faculty

 Two College of Education faculty members were recognized in the North Carolina Association for Gifted & Talented (NCAGT) 40 Years, 40 Faces celebration marking the 40th anniversary of NCAGT at […]


March 2014

ECU in the National Spotlight for edTPA

2013 National edTPA Implementation Conference. Learn more about the implementation of edTPA at the ECU College of Education. This national conference was held November 1-2 at the University of San […]


Graduate named middle school’s First-Year Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Meghan Pickerall ’13, a middle grades education graduate and 7th grade science teacher, for receiving North Johnston Middle School’s First-Year Teacher of the Year award!
