Elementary and Middle Grades Education

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October 2014

Video Grand Rounds

Video Grand Rounds (VGR) provides teacher candidates with an introductory framework for classroom observations and subsequent faculty-guided discussions. This experience provides a conceptual foundation for their future study in teacher […]


Graduate from Elementary Science Concentration Wins NCSTA Outstanding Student Teacher Award

On October 13, 2014, Abby Colley received a letter from the Elementary Science Concentration Awards Committee chair notifying her that she was the recipient of the NCSTA Outstanding Student Teacher Award. […]


Megan Potter, ’11 MAEd READ graduate, was named the Beaufort County Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015

Mrs. Meredith Megan Potter Ormond, who teaches English at the Beaufort County Early College High School, was named Beaufort County’s Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015 during the annual banquet […]


September 2014

COE Faculty Engaged at NC-ACTE Fall Forum

On September 25-26, 2014, the NC Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators held its annual fall Teacher Education Forum in Raleigh, NC.  The Teacher Education Forum is a wonderful opportunity for teacher […]


College of Education Recognizes Academic Excellence with Scholarships

The College of Education presented approximately $406,800 in scholarship awards to 73 East Carolina University students for the 2014-2015 school year. Recipients were honored at the College of Education Scholarship […]


Diversity in Education Event 10/15/14

You are cordially invited to attend a Dynamic Dialogue about Diversity event, “Diversity in Education”  sponsored by the Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach in the College of Education, […]


August 2014

Department of Special Education, Foundations & Research Receives $1.25 Million from Department of Education

The US Department of Education has awarded the Department of Special Education, Foundations, and Research a 5-year, $1,248,855 grant to prepare 42 new Baccalaureate Special Educators with the initial license […]


College of Education Welcomes New Pirate Educators!

The College of Education welcomed 86 State Employee’s Credit Union (SECU) Partnership East students and approximately 245 incoming freshmen during summer orientations in June, July, and August 2014. SECU Partnership […]


2015 CAEP Visit Preparations Commence

The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) unit at East Carolina University will host its next CAEP accreditation visit February 8-10, 2015. In preparation for the on-site visit, the College of Education’s […]


ECU COE Faculty Members seen as Leaders at Stanford University

On August 11-13, four ECU COE faculty members participated in an invitation-only forum at Stanford University. The American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) and the Stanford Center for […]
