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February 2014

Pat and Lynn Lane

Pat and Lynn Lane agreed to fund two $14,000 scholarships next year. Their scholarship recruits and retains teachers in eastern NC.


Julianne Mehegan

Julianne Mehegan agreed to fund four $2,500 scholarships each year for four years, totaling a $40,000 investment in our students.


Dr. Bonnie Vause

Dr. Bonnie Vause, who earned her masters in special education in 2006 at ECU, has recently published a book titled Fast Escape.


Charlene Evans

Charlene Evans, a Plymouth High School mathematics teacher for Washington County Schools, is the Northeast Region Teacher of the Year for 2013-2014. Evans holds a master of arts in education […]


Frances Herring

Frances Herring, principal of Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School, was named Southeast Region Principal of the Year. As Lenoir County Public School’s Principal of the Year in October, Herring is one of […]


Robin Calcutt

Robin Calcutt was honored as the Sandhills/South Central Regional Principal of the Year. She is in her third year as principal at New Century Middle School in Moore County. She […]


Jen Smyth

Jen Smyth, a current master of arts in education student studying English education and Teacher Consultant with the Tar River Writing Project, is featured in International Reading Association’s Reading Today […]


Felicia Buckner

Felicia Buckner, an elementary education major and State Employee Credit Union Partnership East student, graduated in December after an accident that left her with brain and back injuries and a […]


COE Students Honored for Academic Excellence

Fifty-two East Carolina University freshmen and full-time transfer students with an intended teacher education major were honored during the College of Education ECU EXCELS event on February 7, 2014. The […]


Service-Learning Component to MSA Degree Recognized

The master of school administration degree (MSA) in the College of Education prepares individuals to become school leaders. The MSA degree includes a significant service-learning component that requires students to […]
