100 Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB | Diigo
100 Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB | Diigo. It’s Google’s world, we’re just teaching in it. Now, we can use it a little more easily. With classes, homework, and […]
100 Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB | Diigo. It’s Google’s world, we’re just teaching in it. Now, we can use it a little more easily. With classes, homework, and […]
Hello. I want to take a minute to introduce myself. I recently started at ECU’s College of Education in the role of Instruction Technology Consultant/Web Designer/Blackboard Support. I have created […]
Fellow Pirate, Ken Hubbell, received the Nova Southeastern Award for Outstanding Practice by a Graduate Student in Instructional Design. All materials submitted to the competition must have been designed no […]
Last Thursday (8/29/2013), MSITE graduate and undergraduate students took advantage of the opportunity to meet & greet with one another, and make small-talk with their professors outside of the classroom! […]
Several new faculty members join the MSITE Department this fall. We welcome: Charity Cayton, Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education Bonnie Glass, Teaching Instructor in Science Education Maureen Grady, Assistant Professor […]
From Sunday’s Daily Reflector:
On August 25, 2013 in Sunday’s Daily Reflector newspaper, two of our MATE graduates have been honored. The first, Ms. Lynnly Martin, an ECU MAED & ECU MATE instructor, is to be congratulated for being a Pitt County School Teacher of Year finalist!
The first time Judy Oglesby considered going to college, she was 36-years-old “staring divorce in the face” and trying to figure out how she would support her two children moving […]
North Carolina Online lists Dr. Abbie Brown in their list of Top 20 Education Professors in North Carolina. Dr. Brown was selected for his recent achievements, winning both the Presidential […]
From June 24 to June 27 the Center for STEM Education at East Carolina University hosted an AP (Advanced Placement) Institute endorsed by the College Board. More than 50 teachers […]
You may see a lot of children in the classrooms around the Flanagan Building this summer. This is the location for the ECU Summer Science Camp. This camp is open […]