Kristen Martin

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May 2014

MSITE Celebrates with Graduates at Graduation Reception

Commencement is upon us here in the Pirate Nation! MSITE faculty and staff celebrated with students on Friday, May 9th & Saturday Math 10th in the Flanagan Building at the […]


ECU Awards Day: Several COE Faculty Recognized

Several College of Education faculty were honored and recognized ECU’s Founders Day Awards presentation held on April 30 in Hendrix Theatre. UNC Board of Governors member and ECU alumnus Bob […]


Swaggerty Posts on NC Reading Association Blog

Dr. Elizabeth Swaggerty wrote a post about the Tar River Reading Council’s participation in the ECU Earth Day Expo that was just published on the North Carolina Reading Association blog. […]


Recognizing the Best

reposted from ECU News Service by By Jeannine Manning Hutson UNC Board of Governors member and ECU alumnus Bob Rippy presented the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching, […]



On Sunday, April 27, 2014, graduate and undergraduate mathematics education students gathered with mathematics education and mathematics faculty at the Blount Sports Complex. The warm weather and blue skies were […]


April 2014

MATE Student Wins Teacher-Leader Grant

Tomika Altman-Lewis receives 2014-2015 MET Emerging Teacher-Leaders in Elementary School Mathematics Grant from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She will be providing professional development for teachers at Burton […]


ECU Pirate Profile: Jessica Chirico

Jessica Chirico promotes literacy through her EC Scholars internship. Jessica Chirico, a senior studying English at East Carolina University, chose to incorporate her passion for literature into her final collegiate […]


COE Students Initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa

Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society, was founded December 3, 1914 at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia by 15 student and faculty leaders. The founders formulated […]


Faculty published in “Tech Trends”

Congratulations to Drs. William Sugar and Patricia Slagter van Tryon for recently publishing an article titled “Development of a Virtual Technology Coach to Support Technology Integration for K-12 Educators” in […]


Educators’ Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

The Educators Hall of Fame recognizes and highlights the service of those educators to whom East Carolina alumni and friends are most grateful. This permanent recognition is displayed prominently in […]
