Kristen Martin

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October 2014

LEED Students, Alumni featured at NC Community College System Conference

Doctoral students and alumni of the EdD program in educational leadership, higher education concentration were featured throughout the North Carolina Community College System Conference, October 12th-14th. Presentations included the following: […]


MSITE Recruits at Teacher Cadet Day

The Fall 2014 Teacher Cadet Day featured the 2014-15 North Carolina Teacher of the Year and had the theme “What’s Your Superpower? I TEACH!” Faculty and students from the Department […]


Graduate from Elementary Science Concentration Wins NCSTA Outstanding Student Teacher Award

On October 13, 2014, Abby Colley received a letter from the Elementary Science Concentration Awards Committee chair notifying her that she was the recipient of the NCSTA Outstanding Student Teacher Award. […]


Megan Potter, ’11 MAEd READ graduate, was named the Beaufort County Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015

Mrs. Meredith Megan Potter Ormond, who teaches English at the Beaufort County Early College High School, was named Beaufort County’s Teacher of the Year for 2014-2015 during the annual banquet […]


MSITE Hosts Alumni Brunch

Blue sky, a warm breeze with just a touch of fall in the air, and a homecoming football game in a few hours-what a lovely day for MSITE’s annual Alumni […]


College of Education Graduate Recognition Ceremony – Dec. 20, 2014

The College of Education Graduate Recognition Ceremony is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 20, 2014 in Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum. The faculty and staff of the College […]


Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Dashboard Project Focuses Data Collection

Beginning in Fall 2012, the College of Education began collecting and compiling data to be included in the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Dashboard Project.  The EPP Dashboards cover all educator […]


September 2014

Updated COE Homecoming Information

**ECU’s Homecoming Football game time has been announced. Kick-off is set for 12:00 noon. Because of this, the MSITE Alumni Brunch will begin at 10:00 a.m. To celebrate Homecoming weekend, […]


Dr. Sugar Goes to Press Again with Book, “Studies of ID Practices”

Dr. William Sugar of the College of Education’s Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology Education Department has recently finished his latest book, “Studies of ID Practices: A Review and Synthesis of […]


CAEP Prep: ECU’s Pirate CODE Process

The ECU Pirate CODE features a set of seven coordinated innovations linked throughout the teacher education curriculum and clinical practice. Each innovation is evolving through a series of carefully planned stages, […]
