Kristen Martin

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December 2014

CAEP Prep: ECU Conceptual Framework being Reviewed

The East Carolina University Conceptual Framework is a guiding document for the programs within the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) unit at the institution. It applies to all programs which prepare […]


Students Show Competence Working with SMART Technologies

Using a SMARTboard to create lessons and interactive activities is just one way that pre-service teachers show their competence working with technology.  The focus of the required, EDTC 4001, is […]


Ann Rhem Schwarzmann Production Center

So where does a Teacher Candidate go to create materials for their classes?   Joyner Library’s Teaching Resource Center houses the Schwarzmann Production Center to assist Teacher Candidate with preparing classroom […]


Joyner Library’s Teaching Resource Center

Established in 1988, the Teaching Resources Center (TRC) contains children and young adult materials, K-12 North Carolina state adopted textbooks, multi-media, kits, and reference resources. The department primarily serves students […]


Student Videos Screened at National UCEA Annual Convention

One of Dr. Martin Rearon’s favorite assignments when he teaches ethics invites participants to story board, script, cast, and create a short video to illustrate either a positive or a […]


Pirate CODE from A-Z (Part One)

A academic language – language used in academic settings and for academic purposes to help students acquire and use knowledge. B beginning teacher – a teacher in the first three […]



The edTPA is a preservice assessment process designed by educators to answer the essential question: “Is a teacher candidate ready for the job?” The edTPA was designed by teacher educators […]


November 2014

ECU to Participate in Global Day of Giving

‘Tis the season for giving! In honor of #GivingTuesday, East Carolina University is inviting alumni, friends, parents, students, faculty, and staff to join the movement by giving a charitable gift* […]


How the COE is Using Video in its Innovations

The implementation of video has taken a prominent role in the COE PIRATE Code, from Video Grand Rounds (VGR) to ISLES to EDTPA. Students start by observing the video pertaining […]


Abby Colley – A Pirate Who Does Us Proud

On November 6, 2014  at the NCSTA conference in Winston-Salem Abby Colley received the Outstanding Student Teacher Award.  Abby is a well-deserving graduate from the Elementary Science Concentration and is currently teaching […]
