Kristen Martin

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January 2015

Week 3 – Let Blackboard Work For You – Week of 01/26/15

So far we have been talking about dates, so this week we will continue along those lines. Chances are you already know when you plan to release each module of […]


ECU to Provide Early Childhood Mentoring to Eastern NC Educators

Incoming kindergartners throughout eastern North Carolina will soon be better prepared for classroom learning thanks to a $1.3 million grant awarded to East Carolina University. Barbara Brehm, coordinator of ECU’s […]


History of ECU as a Teacher Preparation Institution

ECU has a proud heritage with a mission of teaching, research, and service. Its commitment to the region is an expression of its motto, “Servire,” or To Serve. Chartered in […]


COE Faculty Reflect Upon edTPA Experiences

In December 2014, Drs. Diana Lys, Mark L’Esperance, Ellen Dobson, and Ann Bullock published Large-Scale Implementation of the edTPA: Reflections upon Institutional Change in Action in Current Issues in Education […]


Week 2 – Course Calendar – Week of 1/19/15

Last week we talked about the Date Management Tool, which seemed fitting at the beginning of the semester. This week we will continue along the lines of dates, as this […]


Everyone Has News to Share

In the College of Education, we believe the best way to find out about what is going on in our departments, classrooms, and clubs as well as in the lives […]


What is the “Apple Book?”

The Apple Book is the ECU Teacher Education Handbook. This handbook is designed to assist ECU teacher candidates as they progress through the various steps which will eventually lead to […]


Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarships Available

Educations majors who are interested in scholarships may want to take a few minutes to look at the attached scholarship applications. They are from Alpha Delta Kappa, a well-established organization […]


Dr. Rob Lucas and Dr. Christina Tschida Awarded a Grant from the Library of Congress

Congratulations to Dr. Rob Lucas and Dr. Christina Tschida in the Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education (ELMID) for their Grant Award from the Library of Congress. The Project, […]


Fidelity of Implementation

Fidelity of implementation (FOI) refers to the degree to which an innovation, program, or practice is implemented as intended. Fidelity assessments answer the question, “Did we do what we said […]
