Kristen Martin

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February 2019

2019 Educator Excellence Summit Announced and Open

We will be holding the 2nd Annual Educator Excellence Summit which will be held on June 12th and 13th! Last year we had a great turnout with educators attending from […]


Pitching New Ideas for Student Veterans

The ECU College of Education sees great potential in student veterans as future educators. Recently, one initiative within the COE, the COE Student Veteran’s Resource Alliance, was highlighted at both the […]


COE Speaker Series: Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice

COE Speaker Series: Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 4:00-6:00 East Carolina Heart Institute What is Deaf culture? Why is culture important for Deaf People of Color? […]


Alumnus Named Northeast Regional Teacher of the Year

North Carolina’s Northeast Regional Teacher of the Year is Damon Walcott, a Visual Arts Teacher at Washington High School in Beaufort County.  The surprise announcement was made during a charity […]


January 2019

Spring 2019 Profiles in Diversity Honorees

Two members of the ECU College of Education faculty, Dr. Mikkaka Overstreet and Dr. Christina M. Tschida were named the Spring 2019 honorees for the Profiles in Diversity award at […]


The Rural Education Institute (REI) received $200,000 from Sanford Programs at National University

Sanford Philanthropy – The College of Education’s Rural Education Institute received $30,000 as initial seed money and $70,000 Direct pay from Sanford for travel to California for on-boarding and institutes, […]


Discoveries in Earth Science for Middle and High School Students with Blindness or Visual Impairment

Dr. Rhea Miles, associate professor in the Department of Math Science and Instructional Technology, was awarded $179,834.00 from the Burroughs Wellcome Foundation for the program Discoveries in Earth Science for Middle […]


Adult Education Faculty Recognized at National Adult Education Conference

Several faculty members in the Adult Education program were recognized for their achievements at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)’s 67th Annual Conference, held October 2-5, 2018, […]


“Reading the Rainbow” receives Edward B. Fry book Award from Literacy Research Association

Dr. Caitlin Ryan, associate professor of reading education, and collaborator Jill Hermann-Wilmarth received the Edward B. Fry Book Award for outstanding contributions to literacy research and practice for their book […]


Drs. Christy Rhodes and Syntia Dietz honored by AMEXICAN

The Association of Mexicans in North Carolina, Inc. (AMEXCAN) and the Eastern North Carolina Latin American Coalition, Inc. (ENCLACO) are proud to announce that the 7thAnnual AMEXCAN Community Leadership Awards […]
