May 28, 2014
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction Issue Published

Dr. Sharilyn Steadman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education, is the lead editor of the latest issue of JoCI.
The editorial team of the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction is delighted to announce publication of a new special topic issue, Performance Assessment of Pre-Service and In-Service Educators. Sharilyn C. Steadman is the lead editor for this issue. It is available at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.
The Point of View, “Assessment of Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers,” offers a brief historical perspective of previous reform movements and situates more recent reforms, with a focus on the efficacy of in-service teachers and teacher education programs and their teacher candidates, within the broader contextual view of educational transformation.
The invited lead article is “Driving Blind: Why We Need Standardized Performance Assessment in Teacher Education.” Peck, Singer-Gabella, Sloan, and Lin put forward a compelling argument for the benefits of adopting standardized, common assessments for teacher candidates. Three articles in Practitioner Platform offer descriptions of innovations within pre-service teacher programs. Shaffer describes a locally constructed teacher candidate assessment instrument. Vostal and colleagues provide a step-by-step guide for special education candidates who use a Response to Intervention model and edTPA. Cuthrell and colleagues offer an account of a program revision that included data collection and analysis, innovative strategy use, and ongoing assessment. Finally, the Perspective article by Donovan and colleagues questions the degree to which large scale accountability reports are useful in identifying links between teacher program candidates’ performances in P-12 classrooms and the courses or program areas that shaped those performances and recommend instead a systems-based approach.
The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education selected JoCI’s editorial board as the recipient of the 2010 Edward C. Pomeroy Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education. Please share this free, open-access resource with interested colleagues and students.
Currently the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction is indexed in EBSCOHosts, Directory of Open Access Journals, Cross Reference, BrowZine, Google Scholar, and Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities.