May 1, 2024
Spring 2024 Graduate Spotlight: Clairissa McCormick

Name: Clairissa McCormick
Major: My major is Special Education General Curriculum with a concentration in reading and literacy.
Hometown: My hometown is Murrysville, Pennsylvania.
Hobbies/interests: I love to be active and outside! I enjoy walking, biking, and longboarding on the trails in Greenville. I also enjoy snowboarding and going to the mountains during the winter. I love getting involved with my church, Cedarbridge Baptist Church, and working with the youth!
Professor who influenced you the most: The professor who influenced me the most was Dr. Weiss. She has been the most supportive and encouraging during my time at ECU. I could not have done it without her. I love you, Dr. Weiss!!
Favorite place on campus: My favorite place on campus is the Nancy Darden Child Development Center and the Darden DOCC!
An ECU memory you would like to share: My favorite memories at ECU took place at the NDCDC and DOCC! I loved working with the kids and other teachers there; it was my second home during my time at ECU. It was a space where I grew as a person, a teacher, learned so much, and made lifelong friendships. Some of my favorite moments at the NDCDC and DOCC were going on walks around ECU campus and playing in the grassy bowl. I will forever be thankful for the center and DOCC.
Post-graduation plans: After graduation, my plan is to stay in Greenville and teach special education!