Spring 2024 Graduate Spotlight: Kyree Hall

photo of Kyree Hall in front of bulletin board

Name: Kyree Hall

Major: Counselor Education, specialization in School and Clinical Mental Health Counseling         

Hometown: High Point, NC

Hobbies/interests: I enjoy thrifting, listening to music and traveling.

Professor who influenced you the most: All my professors have been very supportive but if I had to pick one, I would have to shou tout my bestie Dr.Perry. He has been actively in my corner and constantly giving me words of wisdom to help ensure I’m going to be a well-rounded counselor. 

Favorite place on campus: Canes

An ECU memory you would like to share: When I was GA for the IDP Department, all the faculty went to chicos and took the GA’s with them. This will always be a core memory for me because I was able to see a different side of my professors. I was able to see them as people who genuinely cared about me and had my best interest at heart. They really provided a safe space for me that school year, and it was an honor to work with such great people. They reassured me to never settle and to continue to dream big. I will never forget my experience as a Graduate Assistant. 

Post-graduation plans: My post-graduation plans aren’t set in stone yet, but I’m entrusting my path to a higher power. My aspiration is to be in a position where I can offer mental health support to students while also continuing to coach the sport I’m passionate about.

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