February 9, 2024
Atkinson receives Treasured Pirate award

Dr. Monisha Atkinson received one of ECU’s Treasured Pirate awards during a February recognition ceremony in the Main Campus Student Center.
Atkinson, a coordinator in the College of Education’s Office of Clinical Experiences, has served in numerous volunteer capacities related to local schools, including on the PTAs for both of her children’s schools, the Board of Directors for the State PTA organization, a member of the Pitt County Parents for Public Schools, and on the NC Association of Colleges of Teacher Preparation Diversity Equity and Inclusion Special Interest Group where she advocates for equity for teacher education candidates.
Treasured Pirate awards recognize faculty and staff who go above and beyond and distinguished accomplishments in the following categories: customer service, efficiency and innovation, human relations, outstanding government service, public service, safety and heroism, and the spirit of North Carolina.