July 5, 2022
Preston appointed as Graduate School faculty fellow

Dr. Ron Preston advises an area high school student during the COE Pirate Institute. (Photo by Rhett Butler)
Dr. Ron Preston has been appointed a faculty fellow in the East Carolina University Graduate School to assist with administrative duties during the upcoming academic year starting July 1st. His duties with the Graduate School will include efforts supporting graduate students including new graduate student orientation events, academic oversight for exceptions, and student concerns.
This nomination builds off of Preston’s role as the director of students in the Department of Mathematics Education, Science Education and Instructional Technology. Preston joined the mathematics education faculty at ECU in 1995, where he worked on projects providing professional development to practicing teachers, including support for teachers to earn graduate degrees or certificates. In 2003, he was appointed graduate director and has remained involved in graduate education in some capacity since as a director, department chair, and director of students. In addition to his current position as director of students in MSITE, he has been a member of the Graduate Council for the past 10 years and has served as chair for the last five years.