May 21, 2021
College hosts virtual learning exchange focusing on teaching reading online

Information shared during the Margaret Blount Harvey virtual learning exchange were turned into graphics that were shared on social media.
The ECU College of Education hosted a virtual learning exchange event, Teaching Reading in an Online Environment, on February 24, 2021. Six expert panelists shared experiences and perspectives about teaching reading online, teachers’ needs, equitable learning in online contexts, and future opportunities.
Panelists were:
Dr. Julie Coiro, University of Rhode Island, Professor of Reading Education
Ms. Monika Sharma, Wilson County Schools, Instructional Coach
Dr. Steve Lassiter, Pitt County Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Ms. Erin Kessel, Pitt County Schools, Multi-classroom Educator
Ms. Megan Newton, Beaufort County Schools, Early College High School Educator
Ms. Lauren Johnson, Beaufort County Schools, Reading/literacy Specialist
Over 30 attendees (reading teachers, reading specialists, classroom teachers, administrators, higher educators, and ECU teacher education candidates) participated in breakout sessions that resulted in Canva infographics. After the session, each participant had the opportunity to receive a copy of the professional book “Connecting with Students Online” by Jennifer Serravallo to continue their learning.
One participant said, “Listening to the panelists answer the four questions and then going into the breakout sessions was fantastic and a great learning opportunity. I took so many pages of notes and learned so much to bring into my future classroom.“
Another shared: “I enjoyed all of it. The panelists were great. It was nice to hear from so many perspectives and I also enjoyed the breakout rooms because it provided a more intimate conversation where everyone could share their ideas.”
Dr. Darian Thrailkill, literacy education faculty member, led the event and said, “This was an incredible opportunity for North Carolina educators to get expert guidance on teaching reading in the online environment. Teachers, future teachers, and other educational stakeholders were able to co-create understandings without having to be similarly geographically located and then were provided with a professional text to provide continued support as the develop/refine their online instruction.”
Dr. Elizabeth Swaggerty, Interim Chair of the LEHE Department said, “The event provided a much-needed space for reading teachers to gather and learn from and with one another about a topic of great interest. Participants shared some feelings of frustration with the challenges of the pivot to online reading instruction, but the majority of the comments centered on problem solving: creative ways to apply what we know about effective reading instruction to online contexts.” Swaggerty also expressed gratitude to the family of Felix and Margaret Harvey and daughters Sunny Burrows and Leigh McNairy for supporting the event, “this support is integral to our ability to offer a quality event and provide participants with professional development materials that have potential to positively impact the literacy lives of students.”
This is the first virtual professional development event offered by the reading/literacy faculty in LEHE and due to the success of the event (100% of participants indicated they would recommend the session to others in a follow up survey), faculty members are committed to offering additional events in the future.