ECU College of Education hosts spring Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institute

Dr. Jean Gore

The East Carolina University College of Education hosted the spring 2019 Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institute on Saturday, April 27, at the East Carolina Heart Institute.

Assistant Professor, Christy Howard and Teaching Instructor Laura Jacobs from the Department of Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education designed the institute with roundtable sessions focused on sharing best literacy practices. Saturday’s featured presenter, Regie Routman, an internationally known educator, author, and literacy advocate with more than forty-five years of experience working in diverse, under-performing schools across the U.S. and Canada shared her latest work, Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence, and Equity for All Learners and reminded participants of the importance of ensuring all students have the opportunity to engage each day in meaningful, challenging, and joyful work.

In addition to Routman’s session, district Literacy Leaders Sandra Arnold/Washington County, Sonja Emerson and Tisha Lee/Wayne County,  Vernee Rogers/Craven County, Lisa Silva and Lauren Johnson/Beaufort County Schools also presented roundtable sessions as did College of Education Literacy Studies faculty LaKecia Brown, Elizabeth Swaggerty, Jean Gore, Kimberly Anderson, Anne Ticknor, Mikkaka Overstreet, and Johna Faulconer.

Participants left the Institute recharged and with ideas to bring back to their districts. June Proctor/ElizabethCity-Pasquotank Public School, shared, “It is a true honor to serve as a representative for my district at the Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institutes. The professional development is high quality, engaging, and relevant to the needs of my district and school.” Craven County representative Noel MvcKeley noted, “Being with fellow literacy leaders, sharing ideas helps us realize the value of what we do.”

The Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institute promotes literacy leadership and advocacy through a series of on-going professional development seminars and events designed to support public school educators, higher education faculty, and East Carolina University (ECU) students. The Institute is made possible by the late Margaret and Felix Harvey, and their daughters Leigh McNairy and Sunny Burrows. Named for Ms. Margaret Blount Harvey, a native of Kinston and a former member of the State Board of Education, N.C. Education Research Council, N.C. School Improvement Panel and the Learning Disabilities Association of North Carolina. The Literacy Institutes are coordinated by Department of Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education Associate Professor Dr. Johna Faulconer.

The next Margaret Blount Harvey event is scheduled for September 28, 2019.  For more information about participating, please contact Dr. Johna Faulconer (

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