Dr. Laura King named Supervisor of the Year

Dr. Laura King, College of Education Associate Professor of Special Education and Director of the Irene Howell Assistive

Dr. Laura King and IHAT Center Student Manager, Nicole Stevenson.

Technology (IHAT) Center was named 2019 Supervisor of the Year by the ECU Student Employment Office on April 9.  Dr. King typically supervises a staff of between 5 and 9 student employees. Student staff in the IHAT Center teach professional development sessions about assistive technology to ECU students including College of Education majors, as well as other related majors which are likely to work with individuals with disabilities. In addition to teaching campus sessions and supporting distance education sessions, IHAT student staff provide technical support, grade session assessments, and send completion certificates to an average of 400-600 students per semester. They also have the opportunity to attend and/or present at professional conferences annually on behalf of the IHAT Center.

Nicole Stevenson, a student staff manager in the IHAT Center, nominated Dr. King for the award.  Highlights from her nomination form are below:

“I have worked in the Assistive Technology lab for about three years now with Dr. Laura King. Dr. King has always gone by the idea that ‘school comes first.’ She allows us to work around our personal and academic schedules, and makes it possible for us to balance our responsibilities. Dr. King always ensures that those around her are successful and offers her assistance in any way she can.”

“Dr. King presents us with long term goals and provides us with the opportunity to come up with ideas to reach that goal. She offers her guidance and advice to all of our ideas without ever making someone feel as though their idea was a bad one. Dr. King gives us the opportunity to present at conferences which not only provides us with useful experience to take advantage of in future careers, but it also gives us the ability to network.

“I was not even supposed to have a job at the Assistive Technology lab. When I arrived at ECU my freshman year, I was immature, lazy, and lacked motivation. It took me ridiculous amounts of time to answer emails regarding my employment. It took me weeks to fill out paperwork regarding my employment. To any employer, these would be major red flags: a person who has no interest nor motivation to work. Dr. King saw this too, and withdrew my job offer. However, Dr. King allowed me the opportunity to meet with her one-on-one where I was able to explain my shortcomings. She allowed me to take responsibilities for my actions and gave me a second chance where most employers would not have given a second thought. At a time when I saw no potential in myself, Dr. King saw potential in me, which to me is the most empowering thing a person can do. Today I am a manager.”

“Dr. King has provided me with the opportunity to grow as a student, an employee, and a person. She has provided me with experiences I will remember for the rest of rest of my life. She created change in me that has made me a better person–and those around me can tell. It is because of the dedicated professionals at ECU that I am who I am today–especially Dr. Laura King.”

In responding to the award, Dr. King stated, “I am grateful and blessed to work closely with students in the IHAT Center – I learn from them daily! Seeing Nicole grow with confidence in her knowledge and skills – from a student staff member to a student staff manager – is really what it is all about for me. I want to be one who encourages and helps students become confident, young professionals to represent themselves, their families, and Pirate Nation well!”

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