Emerging Scholars Symposium

On Wednesday, March 13, the College of Education hosted two early-career scholars as part of the ECU Office

Veronica Wylie and Demtrice Smith-Mutegi.

of Equity and Diversity’s Emerging Scholars Symposium:  Demtrice Smith-Mutegi, an EdD candidate in Science Education from Morgan State University; and Veronica Wylie, a PhD candidate in Educational Leadership at Jackson State University.  Smith-Mutegi and Wylie interacted with COE faculty and staff throughout the day and gave presentations on their work and research to an engaged audience on Wednesday afternoon. Smith Mutegi’s research focused on motivational factors influencing teaching among science teachers from underrepresented populations and Wylie’s research centered on mindfulness-based interventions as an alternative to deficit-driven discipline models.

 The Emerging Scholars Symposium was a three-day event for advanced doctoral (or terminal degree) students and post-doctoral scholars who are underrepresented in their discipline. Symposium participants represented a range of disciplines from the Colleges of Education, Fine Arts and Communication, Health and Human Performance, Engineering and Technology, as well as Arts and Sciences. 


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