February 11, 2019
COE Speaker Series: Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice
COE Speaker Series: Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice
Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 4:00-6:00
East Carolina Heart Institute
- What is Deaf culture?
- Why is culture important for Deaf People of Color?
- How are Audism and Racism interconnected?
- Do you want to learn about intersectionality?
- Do you want to learn how to be more culturally responsive?
Come learn about:
Investigating the Matrix of Dominance Through Audism
Rooted in Critical Race Theory, this presentation investigates the lived experience of Deaf people in the United States. We share an intersectional analysis of the lived experience of the Deaf community to discuss how audism interacts with other forms of oppression plaguing society (e.g. racism, heterosexism). Audism is a “societal construct that oppresses Deaf people based on the ideological stance that humanizes ‘specific perceived characteristics (hearing, speaking) while simultaneously dehumanizing the opposite perceived characteristics (don’t hear, don’t speak)” and that “leads to a system of over privilege for hearing people and underprivilege for Deaf people.” To illustrate of how audism impacts our society and intersects with other forms of oppression, this presentation will be an electric mix of academic lecture and first-hand narratives from 3 Deaf people who are Latinx, Indian, and half Korean and half Chilean.

Dr Flavia Fleischer
Flavia S. Fleischer, Ph.D.
Professor, Deaf Studies, California State University Northridge (CSUN)
Dr. Flavia Fleischer is a fourth generation Deaf and currently the Deaf Studies Department Chair. She has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Gallaudet University. Dr. Fleischer was born to the field of Deaf Studies, her father was one of the pioneering academics in the field. Although her academic background is in linguistics, Dr. Fleischer is an activist and very interested in fighting against oppression of all minorities, especially of deaf people.

Dr Will Garrow
William G. Garrow, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Deaf Studies, California State University Northridge (CSUN)
Dr. Will Garrow holds a Ph.D. from Gallaudet University. First introduced to the Deaf community through snowboarding, he has been very involved with the working towards equal rights for Deaf people. Dr. Garrow’s research and activism focus on how the intersectionality of audism and the other isms impact our society and how communities use Community Cultural Wealth to resist oppression.
No Registration required for Students, Community Members, or School Personnel
Registration for ECU faculty and staff available in Cornerstone
Earn Continuing Education Credit (CEUs)
Refreshments will be served!
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