February 1, 2019
Alumnus Named Northeast Regional Teacher of the Year
North Carolina’s Northeast Regional Teacher of the Year is Damon Walcott, a Visual Arts

Damon Walcott (center) with 2018 Northeast TOY Kaley Kiffner and NC TOY Freebird McKinney.
Teacher at Washington High School in Beaufort County. The surprise announcement was made during a charity dodge ball game held at the school in December. Walcott qualified for the honor after being named the Beaufort County Teacher of the Year in March.
“I am blown away, I did not expect this. I am so excited. I have my family and the whole school here as a support structure. This is the greatest day of my teaching career. In my mind, we’re bringing this home to Washington High School, they make me who I am,” said Walcott.
Read more at https://www.thewashingtondailynews.com/2018/12/18/whs-educator-selected-as-northeast-region-teacher-of-the-year/
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