November 16, 2017
Drs. Rhodes and Schmidt Recognized at National Adult Education Conference

Dr. Christy Rhodes
Dr. Christy Rhodes, East Carolina University assistant professor of adult education, was recognized for her work as conference chair of the 2017 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) conference. This year’s conference was held in Memphis, Tennessee, from Oct. 30 through Nov. 3.
Rhodes was the first non-AAACE Board of Directors member to serve as conference chair (a role previously held by the organization’s president-elect). She will serve as past-conference chair for the 2018 AAACE conference, to be held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in October 2018.

Dr. Steve Schmidt
Dr. Steve Schmidt, ECU professor of adult education, was elected chair of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education (CPAE) at the 2017 AAACE Conference. Schmidt will serve one year as chair-elect, followed by a two-year term as chair. The Commission of Professors of Adult Education is one of nine commissions in the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education. As part of his duties as CPAE Chair, Schmidt will serve as a member of the AAACE Board of Directors.