August 10, 2017
ECU Lab School Advisory Council Meets for First Time

The ECU Lab School Advisory Council held its inaugural meeting Thursday, Aug. 10.
The inaugural meeting of the East Carolina University Lab School Advisory Council was held Thursday, Aug. 10, inside the ECU College of Education Speight Building.
The advisory council consists of representatives from the College of Education, the ECU Office of the Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor, and Pitt County Schools.

Chris Locklear, left, ECU Vice Provost for Academic Success, was voted Chairman of the ECU Lab School Advisory Board.
The advisory council voted to appoint Chris Locklear, ECU Vice Provost for Academic Success, as ECU Lab School Advisory Council Chairman. Dr. Mark A. L’Esperance, ECU Professor of Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education, was appointed the vice chairman, and Dr. Laura Bilbro-Berry, ECU College of Education Director of Partnerships and Enrollment Management, was appointed the secretary.
The ECU Lab School will open its doors to its first three classes of students Monday, Aug. 28.
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