ECU Special Education Alumna Breaks World Record

ECU alumna Laruen Ball

ECU alumna, Lauren Ball ’15, recently orchestrated the creation of the largest human puzzle piece in the world,

breaking a Guinness World Record. Lauren is currently an Exceptional Children’s Teacher at AG Cox Middle School, in Pitt County where she teaches students with autism and is part of the school’s Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support Team.  Lauren organized the event with the help of her school and community, to spread autism awareness during the month of April as part of National Autism Awareness Month.  For many years, the puzzle piece has been a symbol to represent appreciation, inclusion, awareness, and acceptance of people with Autism.  The effort took over 700 people and was supported by residents of Pitt County.

Congratulations to Lauren, the faculty and students of AG Cox Middle School, and to the community of Pitt County for breaking the record and demonstrating their appreciation for individuals with Autism.

Watch the video HERE.

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