February 13, 2017
2017 Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institute
East Carolina University’s College of Education Reading Education Program Area hosted the spring 2017 Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institute on February 4th for undergraduate students in the ECU College of Education and Literacy Leaders from the Latham Clinical Schools Network.
District Literacy Leaders examined literacy instruction in public schools and strategies for improving teaching practices in workshop roundtables while the session for students included a review of the development and progression of literacy skills and instruction needed to be successful on the standard reading exam required for licensure in North Carolina.

Participant at 2017 Margaret Blount Harvey Literacy Institute
“This institute makes a true difference in our region,” Johna Faulconer, associate chair of the Department of Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education at ECU, said. “It connects our ECU pre-service teachers, our district literacy leaders, and our ECU faculty together in a way that leaves everyone excited about literacy and how we as educators impact instruction.”
The Margaret Blount Harvey Institutes are planned by reading education faculty members in the ECU College of Education and sponsored by the late Margaret and Felix Harvey, and their daughters Leigh McNairy and Sunny Burrows. Offered in the spring and fall, the institutes are named for Margaret Blount Harvey. Ms. Harvey, a native of Kinston was a former member of the State Board of Education, N.C. Education Research Council, N.C. School Improvement Panel and the Learning Disabilities Association of North Carolina.