Library Science Program Ranked #5 in Nation!

The Library Science program, housed in the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions with the College of Education at East Carolina University is pleased to announce that they were recognized in the Top 10 of the Fall 2015 Online Library and Information Science Graduate Rankings as ranked by  The program was listed as being the #5 program in the nation.  These rankings are based solely on ratings and reviews from current or recent graduate students.  Program rankings, compiled using data gathered between September 1, 2012 and September 30, 2015, include reviews posted by more than 75,000 students participating in over 1,600 graduate programs nationwide.  The rankings cover a number of student topics including academic competitiveness, career support, and financial aid.

“Our program is in very good company with the other four programs ranked in the top 5 by The University of Arizona, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Kentucky, and the University of South Florida are well established American Library Association (ALA) accredited programs,” said Dr. John Harer, Associate Professor of Library Science and Program Coordinator for the Master of Library Science Degree Program.

“Along with receiving our ALA accreditation in January of this year and being named the number one ‘Best Buy Online Master’s Degree in Library Science’ by,  the Library Science program is pleased to be recognized for this distinction,” said Dr. Scott Glass, Chair of the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions.

Library Science faculty pictured above: front – Dr. Elaine Yontz; second row – Dr. Lou Sua and Dr. Kaye Dotson; and back row – Dr. Barbara Marson, Dr. John Harer and Dr. Al Jones.

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