Dr. Sharon Schleigh’s book recognized on the AAAS 2014 Best Science Books & Films List

Scientific Argumentation in BiologyDr. Sharon Schleigh, Science Education faculty in the MSITE program, has received recognition from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  The book she co-authored with Victor Sampson, Scientific Argumentation in a Biology: 30 Classroom Activities, was recognized as an outstanding science book in the category of life science, and listed in the AAAS 2014 Best Science Books & Films List. This National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) Press, 2013 book, is also a top selling NSTA book for middle school and high school teachers across the nation.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people, with a mission to promote science literacy to help ensure that all students receive a high-quality science education. AAAS was the first permanent organization formed to promote the development of science and engineering at the national level and to represent the interests of all its disciplines. The AAAS Science Books & Films (SB&F) Best Books Lists are published annually each January. SB&F Best Books Lists are a comprehensive list of highly recommended books, DVDs, and software for children and young adults reviewed over the previous year. Educators and scientists have come to rely on these lists as a definitive guide to the best science resources available for the library and classroom.

Being recognized by this leading international organization for supporting their mission is certainly a great honor for Dr. Sharon Schleigh and for the MSITE Department! We hear that she has another book in the works and we are looking forward to reading it as well. Congratulations to Dr. Sharon Schleigh of the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education for this recognition. And thank you Dr. Schleigh, for your impact on science education in our community!

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