Publications/Presentations by Dr. Rivera of the Department of Special Education, Foundations, and Research

Dr. Christopher J. Rivera, of the Department of Special Education, Foundations, and Research (SEFR), has had three journal publications and three paper/poster presentations this academic year:


Hicks, S. C., Rivera, C. J., & Patterson, D. R. (Accepted). Simple steps for teaching prepositions to students with autism and developmental disability. Intervention in School and Clinic.

Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Rivera, C. J. (Accepted). Changing the course of literacy instruction: Examining literacy lessons for students with severe intellectual disabilities. Exceptionality, A Special Education Journal.

Rivera, C. J., Mason, L. L., Moser, J., & Ahlgrim-Delzell, L. (2014). The effects of an iPad multimedia shared story intervention on vocabulary acquisition for an English language learner. Journal of Special Education Technology, 29, 31-48.


Rivera, C. J. (February, 2015). A single case study: Using a multi-component simultaneous prompting intervention to teach vocabulary to young students with intellectual disability. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Las Vegas, NA.

Kelley, K. R., Jimenez, B., Pavlu, L. L., Rivera, C. J., & Root, J. (January, 2015). How I can make a difference for individuals with disabilities in NC. North Carolina CEC: Pinehurst, NC.

Rivera, C. J., Weiss, S., & Ferrell, G. (January, 2015). Learning science vocabulary through multimedia shared stories. North Carolina CEC: Pinehurst, NC.

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