First ECU EQUIPPED Scholars Chosen!

Congratulations to Paige Anderson, Alison Bickford, Kathryn Foley, Victoria Locklear, Callie Morton Parker, Morgan Sheehan, Chelsea Skurow, and Jenna Watral.These Special Education Teacher Candidates are pursuing their BS and initial Teaching License in Special Education-Adaptive Curriculum have been chosen as ECU EQUIPPED Scholars. These Scholars will receive tuition, resource and travel support, and induction support during their first three years of teaching in the high need area of Special Education. Each scholar has committed to teaching students with significant cognitive and additional disabilities for a minimum of two years for every year of tuition support.

In the Fall, the US Department of Education awarded the Department of Special Education, Foundations, and Research a 5-year, $1,248,855 grant to prepare 42 new Baccalaureate Special Educators with the initial license in Adaptive Curriculum and 18 MAEd Special Educators with the Advanced License in Low Incidence Disabilities and specialization in Assistive Technology. ECU EQUIPPED: Engendering High Quality Personnel Preparation for Educators Serving Students with Significant Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, supports research on effective teacher preparation and induction, an intensive summer institute aligned with the Graduate Certificate in Assistive Technology for teacher-leaders, mentoring of graduates, and support for tuition, books, materials, and travel to state and national conferences for EQUIPPED scholars.

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