November 19, 2014
EPP Dashboards - Faculty (Standard 5)
The faculty at ECU is united by the University’s motto, Servire, which means “To Serve.” Faculty at ECU desire that service to be of the highest quality by setting and maintaining high standards for themselves, in alignment with NCATE/CAEP. Standard 5 states:

Data includes the number of university supervisors and cooperating teachers who have been assigned to an initial licensure candidate for the final semester of internship, and the percentage holding a license and/or additional training in their supervision area.
“Faculty are qualified and model best professional practices in scholarship, service, and teaching, including the assessment of their own effectiveness as related to candidate performance; they also collaborate with colleagues in the disciplines and schools. The unit systematically evaluates faculty performance and facilitates professional development.”
To provide the highest quality service, ECU first demands that their faculty be highly qualified. All instructors must meet the ECU credentialing requirements outlined prior to teaching at the institution. All course instructors have prior work experience in educational settings (P-12 experience preferred). In addition, EPP faculty members are highly qualified to teach within the content area with an earned doctorate degree or equivalent alternate credential (e.g., master’s degree or demonstrated expertise).
High quality service also demands that ECU faculty model best-professional practice in teaching. Student feedback is utilized by faculty to improve teaching practice. The institution is committed to improving the quality of the instrument used to gather student feedback. SPOTS, the Student Perceptions of Teaching survey, data are available to EPP faculty and program leadership to use as one of multiple assessments of faculty teaching.
High quality service also requires contributions to future innovations in teaching. All teacher education faculty maintain robust research agendas and actively contribute to knowledge generation in their areas of expertise. Data compiled from faculty scholarship entries in Sedona, ECU’s documentation system for faculty activity, indicate that ITP faculty are active in research (see 5.4.e – Samples of faculty scholarly activities).
To ensure the continuation of high quality service of its faculty, the EPP conducts systematic and comprehensive evaluations of faculty performance on an annual basis (summarized by the OFE Evaluation Web page). Multiple measures are used to evaluate faculty teaching, research, and service. The University administers a student feedback survey for each course section taught at the institution, and data is shared with individual faculty and department chairs for use in annual evaluations. The ECU OFE provides guidance to all units in the EPP for institutional policies for tenured or tenure track faculty including reappointment, promotion, tenure, and post-tenure review.
For more information and examples related to Standard 5, please visit the NCATE/CAEP Exhibit Rooms on the COE Office of Assessment and Accreditation’s website.
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